
Friday, July 23, 2010

new lyrics sketches

if you want to kill me
kill me now;
don't make it painful and long.

if you want to do it
do it now;
we know you're perfect and, oh, so strong.

if you want to taste it
tast it now;
you know how it feels and it's feeling fine.

if you want to show it
show it now;
like a legend: you turn water into wine.

and if you're the refrain i am the missing rhyme
when you're the ocean i'm only the tide
for you to be the law i have to be the crime
in the record you are i am the b side.


well, let's just play the game
well, let's just pretend
play wealthy and so happy
in this sort of promised land.

well, let's make it happen
please put on a smile
make love just like before
oh, please, just for a while.

well, let's get this clear and
read the page where our love began
we were sympathetic, dear,
when we drew our love-plan.

so, if our love is a song
i'm the refrain
and you've been the missing rhyme
by the sea
you and me
holding hands but always apart
it's been this way
since the very start.

são estas as palavras que na minha cabeça andam para figurarem como letra na nova canção. facto interessante: varreu-se-me a melodia; escrevo-as de cor mas sem as cantar. a música é bonita, abstracta e faz-me pensar: alienígena; é-me como tu.

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